We Dream of... Lakes and Forests of Ontario, Canada


We hope that you will find the clinics and research program represented on the website informative and exciting. There are many unique features including INSOMNIA SELF MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME, downloadable leaflets on specific childhood disorders, information about counselling & group therapies for specific disorders. There is considerable emphasis on research as well as self help books that are available through this website.

Our staff is extremely multicultural and multi-linguistic with members of our team speaking over 20 different languages. Many are foreign medical graduates who have worked in the sleep field for many years and have unusually detailed expertise which we believe add to the quality of our program.

It remains remarkable how little (relatively speaking) is known about sleep and its disorders and how recently this field has emerged. We hope that you will keep this website in mind to be periodically updated about new developments and new interests.

One of our features is to put a newsletter that we publish quarterly on this website specifically related to children's sleep and sleep disorders.

We hope you find the images on this website attractive and thought provoking; they evoke memories and dreams of our staff's homelands.

Best wishes,
Professor Colin Shapiro, BSc, MBBCh, PhD, MRCPsych, FRCPC Department of Psychiatry
University of Toronto


The philosophy of our clinics and research program is to provide detailed conscientious care to people with any sleep and wakefulness problem irrespective of age. We are continuously seeking to find better techniques to deliver good quality care. Our focus is to deal with patients' problems in addition to establishing clinical diagnoses. We look to both research endeavours and clinical skills to solve the problems that patients present with.

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